Nov 21 2017

Press Room

Assignment Editors and Journalists: If there is any way we can help you with a story, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Edward Hasbrouck The Identity Project PO Box 170640-idp San Francisco, CA 94117-0640 info AT papersplease DOT org +1 (415) 824-0214 mobile (voice/Signal; press calls only, no marketing or robocalls) We work remotely, and […]

Jun 16 2016

How the DHS practices “transparency”

[A “complete” response from DHS to a FOIA request, with “no deletions”. Click image for larger version.] A Freedom of Information Act request we made to the Department of Homeland Security hasn’t told us much about what we asked about, but has given us an object lesson in how the DHS practices “transparency”. An August […]

Jun 25 2009

Courts and Congress finally start to rein in the TSA

Until recently, the TSA has been a domestic legal Guantanamo, and the TSA has treated their domain of “checkpoints” and travel control and surveillance as a law-free zone where their powers of search, seizure, detention, and denial of passage were unconstrained by the Constitution, human rights treaties, judicial review, or stautory or regulatory standards.  As […]

May 01 2024

Combining radio and visual tracking of road vehicles

In the latest escalation of surveillance of travelers, data from automated license plate readers (APLRs) is being merged with data from devices that record the unique identifiers of passing WiFi, Bluetooth, and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) devices, including always-on devices intended for in-vehicle communications, entertainment, and network access. Most new cars, SUVs, and light trucks […]

Feb 16 2024

FOIA follies at the State Department

It’s sometimes hard to say which Federal agency does the worst job or displays the most bad faith in responding (or not responding) to Freedom Of Information Act requests. But the latest actions by the FOIA office of the Department of State certainly place near the top of our all-time scorecard of FOIA follies. In […]

Oct 16 2023

The TSA wants to put a government tracking app on your smartphone

Today the Identity Project submitted our comments to the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) on the TSA’s proposed rules for “mobile driver’s licenses”. The term “mobile driver’s license” is highly misleading. The model Electronic Credential Act drafted by the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA) to authorize the issuance of these digital credentials and installation […]

Aug 24 2023

Border and airport searches for “privileged” information

Most people think of communications between attorneys and their clients as being among those having the highest level of legal “privilege” against compelled disclosure to the government.  And it is widely believed that the US lacks a Federal “shield law” protecting journalists against being forced to reveal confidential sources. The assumptions are, in some situations […]