Mar 31 2008

ID Still Not Required To Fly

As reported several weeks ago and in accordance with the Gilmore decision, ID is not required to fly in the United States. Two recent documents have corroborated this fact. The first is today’s letter from South Carolina Governor Sanford to DHS in which he does not ask for an extension to comply with Real ID, […]

Jan 11 2007

DHS’ “Identity-Mart” Scheme Revealed

IDP Affiliate reports the latest REAL ID outrage: “The Department of Homeland Security plans to outsource REAL ID implementation to third-party data aggregators, according to official DHS documents.” get the full scoop at

Oct 23 2006

China to forbid anonymous blogging

Press reports say that China will no longer allow people to post to the Internet under pseudonyms without registering their “real name” with the government. But that could never happen here. We all know that there is no requirement to register your real name or address with the government before being allowed to exercise any […]

Mar 24 2020

How drivers license photos are aggregated and shared

During a press conference yesterday, President Trump announced a postponement of the “deadline” previously announced by the Department of Homeland Security for “enforcement” of the REAL-ID Act of 2005 at TSA checkpoints: I’m also announcing that we’re postponing the deadline for compliance with REAL ID requirements…. We will be announcing the new deadline very soon. […]

Oct 15 2018

TSA announces “biometrics vision for all commercial aviation travelers”

Today the US Transportation Security Administration released a detailed TSA Biometric Roadmap for Aviation Security & the Passenger Experience, making explicit the goal of requiring mug shots (to be used for automated facial recognition and image-based surveillance and control) as a condition of all domestic or international air travel. This makes explicit the goal that […]

Nov 21 2017

Who We Are

THE IDENTITY PROJECT (IDP) The right to travel freely in their own country is a right that has been taken by Americans as their birthright.  This right is basic, fundamental, and necessary for the free exercise of many of our other protected rights.  Identity-based domestic security programs condition our mobility to freely assemble, associate, speak, […]

Nov 21 2017

Take Action

Decline to show your ID the next time someone demands it – and stand your ground.  Ask to see the law that requires you to show your ID.  See just what happens.  Inform yourself, by personal experience, about your society and your country. Oppose state laws that would cause your state to join the AAMVA […]

Nov 21 2017

Why Secure Flight Won’t Make Us Safer

Supporters of the Secure Flight Program state that the ID requirement and the need for government permission for domestic air travelers to fly would make us safer by keeping the “bad guys” off planes. While Secure Flight would be effective in enabling surveillance and control of our movements, it would not improve security for two […]