Contact Us

IDP provides advice, assistance, publicity, and occasionally legal representation
to those who find their rights infringed, or their legitimate activities curtailed, by
demands for identification.

IDP builds public awareness about the effects of ID requirements on fundamental
rights. The First Amendment rights of assembly, petition, and speech, our fundamental
right to travel, and our basic rights to hold property and transact business are all
affected by identification demands.

IDP is in the process of building a central repository of information relating to
identity-based domestic security programs. Press inquiries are welcome.

Edward Hasbrouck
The Identity Project
PO Box 170640-idp
San Francisco, CA 94117-0640

info AT papersplease DOT org
+1 (415) 824-0214 mobile (voice/Signal; no marketing or robocalls)

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We work remotely, and we are often traveling, so it’s better to contact us by email, Signal, or phone than by snail-mail. Please don’t call unless it’s time-critical or you’ve been unable to reach us by email or Signal