Jul 28 2014

US government’s witchhunting manual made public

The Intercept has published the March 2013 edition of the US government’s Watchlisting Guidance. This 166-page document, previously kept secret as Sensitive Security Information (SSI), provides standardized but not legally binding “guidance” to Federal executive agencies as to how, on what basis, and by whom entries are to be added to or removed from terrorism-related […]

May 27 2014

Ars Technica asks DHS for PNR data, but gets none of it

Cyrus Farivar, Senior Business Editor at Ars Technica, reports today on the initial response to his Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) request to US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) for CBP’s records about his travel history, including CBP’s copies of airline Passenger Name Records (PNRs). Nine months after making his request (seven months longer than […]

Feb 24 2014

What’s wrong with mass surveillance of travel metadata?

In a live online question-and-answer session last month, NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden gave this explanation of what’s wrong with pervasive, suspicionless tracking and logging of our activities: What’s the worst and most realistic harm from bulk collection of data?… The worst and happening-right-now harm of bulk collection — which again, is a euphemism for mass […]

Jan 07 2014

Where is the Citizens’ Commission to Investigate the DHS?

“Democracy needs whistleblowers. That’s why I broke into the FBI in 1971,” begins an op-ed by Bonnie Raines, one of the members of the previously-anonymous “Citizens’ Commission to Investigate the FBI” who took the spotlight today through public appearances and interviews and the publication of a new book about their 1971 action, The Burglary, by […]

Dec 23 2013

Briefing completed following “no-fly” trial

Today the parties in Ibrahim v. DHS submitted what were scheduled to be their final written responses to questions from the judge following the first trial in any of the cases challenging U.S. government “no-fly” orders: Court’s Order re Clearance Plaintiff’s Response to the Court’s Order re Clearance Defendants’ Response to the Court’s Order Requesting […]

Dec 05 2013

“No-fly” trial, day 4: Why can’t the plaintiff (or a witness) be at this trial?

[Courtroom sketches of Judge Alsup (left, rear), plaintiff’s expert witness Prof. Sinnar (top right), Special Agent Lubman (FBI Terrorist Screening Center, center right), and Mr. Cooper (State Department, lower right) by kind permission of Jackson West, jacksonwest.com. Some rights reserved, CC BY 3.0 US.”] Day four of the trial in Ibrahim v. DHS — the […]

Dec 04 2013

“No-fly” trial, day 3: Why and how was Dr. Ibrahim barred from the U.S.?

There’s been an argument on Twitter about whether we should have described the treatment of Dr. Rahinah Ibrahim — the plaintiff in the first lawsuit challenging a US government no-fly order to make it to trial — as “Orwellian” or “Kafkaesque”.  We’re inclined to agree with those who say, “But it’s both.” True to form, […]