Jan 09 2017

IDP comments on TSA proposal to require ID to fly

Today the Identity Project and the Cyber Privacy Project filed comments with the Transportation Security Administration opposing a stealthy TSA proposal to start requiring ID to fly. The TSA has long harassed people who try to fly without being required to show their “Papers, Please!” at TSA checkpoints. But the TSA’s official position in court […]

Mar 07 2016

The cost of requiring ID for library cards

To: Julie Holcomb, Abigail Franklin, Darryl Moore, Jim Novosel, Winston Burton, City of Berkeley <bolt@ci.berkeley.ca.us> From: Eric Neville Subject: The cost of requiring ID for library cards Date: Mon, 7 Mar 2016 09:05:15 -0800 Dear Board of Library Trustees: Sometimes the cost of how we do things sneaks up on us. I grew up visiting […]