Oct 12 2006

“Mother, may I?”

Should you have to ask for permission from the government before you are allowed to get on a plane or cruise ship?

The Department of Homeland Security has proposed that airlines and cruise ships be required to get individual permission (“clearance”) from the DHS for each individual passenger on all flights to, from, or via the U.S. Unless the answer is “Yes” — if the answer is “no” or “maybe”, or if the DHS doesn’t answer at all — the airline wouldn’t be allowed to give you a boarding pass, or let you or your luggage on the plane or ship.

The Identity Project, along with the World Privacy Forum and John Gilmore, has filed comments with the DHS objecting to this proposal as a violation of international human rights, First Amendment rights, and privacy and government accountability laws.

This is the third of three identification-related “rulemakings” in the last month and a half in which the DHS has proposed to restrict the right to travel. IDP has filed formal objections to each of these proposals:

Mar 07 2006

New Jersey pol legislates ‘legal name’ demand, to find and punish commenters about him

A New Jersey politician is legislating to outlaw anonymous speech on the Internet, because an online forum for his home district contains a slew of pseudonymous posts that tend to be unkind to local politicians. We suggest getting on that forum and telling him, anonymously or otherwise, that he’s a censor, a bully, and a traitor to his oath to support the Constitution. Anonymous speech and publication is fully protected by the First Amendment.