Jul 16 2012

Hasbrouck v. CBP dismissed. What have we learned?

We have stipulated to the dismissal of the remaining claims in Hasbrouck v. U.S. Customs and Border Protection, the Federal lawsuit in which the Identity Project had sought records of U.S. government surveillance and “targeting” of international travelers through the CBP “Automated Targeting System” (ATS). The dismissal follows a ruling by U.S. District Court Judge […]

Apr 25 2012

European Parliament approves PNR agreement with the US. What’s next?

[MEPs picket outside the plenary chamber to ask their colleagues to say “No” to the PNR agreement with the US. (Photo by greensefa, some rights reserved under Creative Commons license, CC BY 2.0)”] Last week — despite the demonstration shown above (more photos here) by Members of the European Parliament as their colleagues entered the […]

Feb 16 2012

European Commissioner responds to Parliamentary question on CRSs

As we’ve noted previously, members of the European Parliament have been exercising their right to question the European Commission about the proposed agreement negotiated by the EC with the USA to give travel companies partial immunity from EU privacy law when they open their reservation (“PNR“) databases to the US Department of Homeland Security. Numerous […]

Jan 03 2012

The EU-US PNR Agreement — A Legal Analysis of Its Failures

[The following complete article (27 pages) or a summary of the key points (3 pages) can be downloaded in PDF format. Additional analyses and critiques of the proposed EU-US PNR agreement have been published by, among others, the Identity Project, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, and a coalition of US and EU NGOs.] FROM THE DESK […]

Nov 17 2010

What is to be done about TSA?

We’re pleased and excited to see the spontaneous outpouring of grassroots outrage at the latest TSA “Standard Operating Procedures”, which offer would-be air travelers a Hobson’s choice between forms of submission to secret rules, illegitimate authority, and invasion of personal privacy. TSA wants us to choose between a virtual strip-search (x-ray or similar photography through […]

May 20 2010

Is “SPOT” a reasonable basis for suspicion or surveillance?

Today the Government Accountability Office released a detailed report on the TSA’s “Screening Passengers by Observation Techniques” (SPOT) program, providing considerably more detail than the TSA itself has ever provided, confirming the lack of any evidence that the program has spotted any terrorists, and suggesting implicitly that the DHS has been keeping yet another set […]

May 05 2010

European Parliament hands DHS a setback on access to PNR data

Today the Department of Homeland Security received its most significant rebuff from any democratically elected body since the DHS was created after September 11, 2001. In response to a recommendation from the Council of the European Union (the EU member national governments) for approval of the “interim” agreement under which the DHS obtains all airline […]