Aug 25 2008

DHS plays a “shell game” with border crossing records

Today we filed comments with the Department of Homeland Security objecting to a newly-defined DHS “system of records” containing logs of everyone who crosses U.S. borders, including those who cross by car or on foot.  “Border Crossing Information” (BCI) about innocent U.S. citizens not suspected of any crime would be kept for 15 years, while […]

Jun 28 2008

NY Times: US and Europe Near Agreement on Data Sharing

The New York Times has obtained a report showing that US and European negotiators are nearing an agreement on international sharing of private data. The United States and the European Union are nearing completion of an agreement allowing law enforcement and security agencies to obtain private information — like credit card transactions, travel histories and […]

Jan 09 2008

Are You A Collaborator?

When the rubber meets the road, people do things you’d never expect…or would you? We all know apparently normal, well-educated people whose commitment to democracy went out with the bathwater after NineEleven. In this Harper’s Magazine piece from August of 1941, the authoress speculates as to whom in her circle would go Nazi in a […]

Jan 23 2007

New passport rules frustrate last-minute travelers

Effective today, the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative (WHTI) requires passports for all air travel between the U.S., Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Latin America. Today the New York Times reports on the problems the new rule has caused for would-be last-minute travellers from the U.S., especially business travellers, who find out they need to travel […]

Dec 29 2006

More illegalities in the “Automated Targeting System”

Even while trying to defend the Automated Targeting System that is being used to deny travelers their rights on the basis of secret “risk assessments” that give each of us a terror score from secret databases of third-party and government information about us, the Department of Homeland Security has admitted to more and more violations […]