Feb 14 2014

Lessons from the first “no-fly” trial

Information about what happened in Ibrahim v. DHS – the first “no-fly” case to make it to trial — has trickled out gradually, making it hard to get a clear picture of what has happened. The court was cleared at least ten times during the week-long trial for testimony, introduction of evidence, and legal arguments […]

Feb 06 2014

More details of Judge Alsup’s decision in “no-fly” case

More details of Judge William Alsup’s decision in Ibrahim v. DHS, the first case challenging the US government’s “no-fly” list to go to trial, were made public today in the form of a redacted version of Judge Alsup’s findings, conclusions, and order. In deference to the government’s insistence that even his verdict would reveal “secrets“, […]

Jan 22 2014

Second judge finds “no-fly” orders may violate due process and right to travel

In another victory for due process and the right to travel, Judge Anthony J. Trenga of the US District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia in Alexandria, today rejected another government motion to dismiss a complaint challenging the US “no-fly” list. At least as long as Judge Alsup’s decision in Ibrahim v. DHS remains […]

Dec 23 2013

Briefing completed following “no-fly” trial

Today the parties in Ibrahim v. DHS submitted what were scheduled to be their final written responses to questions from the judge following the first trial in any of the cases challenging U.S. government “no-fly” orders: Court’s Order re Clearance Plaintiff’s Response to the Court’s Order re Clearance Defendants’ Response to the Court’s Order Requesting […]

Dec 05 2013

“No-fly” trial, day 4: Why can’t the plaintiff (or a witness) be at this trial?

[Courtroom sketches of Judge Alsup (left, rear), plaintiff’s expert witness Prof. Sinnar (top right), Special Agent Lubman (FBI Terrorist Screening Center, center right), and Mr. Cooper (State Department, lower right) by kind permission of Jackson West, jacksonwest.com. Some rights reserved, CC BY 3.0 US.”] Day four of the trial in Ibrahim v. DHS — the […]