Oct 05 2011

DHS pitches PNR-based travel surveillance and control at House hearing

A troika of officials from the DHS appeared today before the Subcommittee on  Counterterrorism and Intelligence of the House Committee on Homeland security to make a joint sales pitch for the proposed agreement between the US and the European Union on DHS access to PNR data (airline reservations). Today’s hearing appears to have been staged […]

Oct 01 2011

A real story about REAL-ID

From the Identity Project mailbag: My life has been basically destroyed because I don’t have a valid state-issued photo ID. Thanks to terrorists, it is illegal for any employer in my state to hire me. I am a natural-born citizen of the United States, born and raised in the State of New Jersey. I have […]

Sep 30 2011

How would REAL-ID affect the right to travel?

In the latest step in the implementation of the REAL-ID Act and the establishment of a de facto national ID card and database, the Department of Homeland Security has requested OMB approval for the collection of additional information from states and individuals. The public response to the DHS request, particularly these comments submitted by the […]

Jun 03 2011

U.S. Embassy confiscates citizen’s passport so he can’t come home

In a new twist on the control of movement through control of issuance of ID credentials, the Associated Press reports that a U.S. citizen has been trapped in Kuwait after the local U.S. Embassy summarily confiscated his passport: Aziz Nouhaili, a naturalized U.S. citizen from Morocco, has been trying for nearly four months to get […]

May 27 2011

European Commission wants to immunize DHS collaborators in travel surveillance and control

A leaked copy of the latest draft of a proposed “Agreement between the United States of America and the European Union on the use and transfer of Passenger Name Record [PNR] data to the United States Department of Homeland Security” has been published by the civil liberties watchdog and investigative reporting group Statewatch. The leaked […]

Apr 28 2011

State Dept. responds to passport form furor — with lies

Several readers (among the thousands who submitted comments) have forwarded copies of the email message the State Department is sending as an auto-response to all mail to the point of contact for their proposed new “Biographical Questionnaire” for passport applicants, Form DS-5513. For your entertainment, and so we won’t be accused of quoting out of […]

Apr 27 2011

State Dept. already using illegal passport questionnaire

The most frequently asked question in the ongoing discussion about the State Department’s proposed new “Biographical Questionnaire” for (some) passport applicants has been, “Is this a hoax?” We wish this were a joke, but it’s for real. The proposed Form DS-5513 that we published is the one we and others who requested it received from […]

Feb 16 2011

“British man marooned in Canada because of U.S. no-fly list”

Highlighting what will happen — and already is happening — when other countries follow the bad example of the USA in restricting freedom of movement, the Canadian Press news service reported last night on the situation of, “A British man … stranded in Canada after being denied permission to fly home because he’s on the […]