Aug 05 2008

“Trusted Traveler” Identification Program Loses Unencrypted Laptop and TSA’s Trust

A provider of the Transportation Security Administration’s Registered Traveler (RT) program has been suspended from enrolling new applicants after TSA learned “an unencrypted [Verified Identity Pass] laptop computer was discovered to be missing from San Francisco International Airport (SFO) on July 26. The computer contained pre-enrollment records of approximately 33,000 customers.” Verified Identity Pass operated […]

Jan 09 2008

Are You A Collaborator?

When the rubber meets the road, people do things you’d never expect…or would you? We all know apparently normal, well-educated people whose commitment to democracy went out with the bathwater after NineEleven. In this Harper’s Magazine piece from August of 1941, the authoress speculates as to whom in her circle would go Nazi in a […]

Dec 17 2007

Legislation to Create a National Birth and Death Registry

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Sep 06 2007

Identity Project responds to proposals for restrictions on travel

Continuing our work to expose governments’ efforts to control our movements through checkpoints, government records of where we go and what we do, government-issued credentials and travel documents, and other schemes to require, “Your papers, please!”, the Identity Project has filed formal comments recently with the Department of Fatherland Security on its latest schemes to monitor and control our travels: Comments of the Identity Project on proposed exemptions from the Privacy Act for secret derogatory information from airlines and travel companes stored in personal travel histories (along with records of activities protected by the First Amendment) and used against would-be travelers as part of the “Automated Targeting System”: comments, background Comments of the Identity Project on proposed requirements for passports […]

Dec 05 2006

DHS dismisses the right to travel

Rejecting the objections raised in comments by the Identity Project and others, the DHS Bureau of Customs and Border Protection has ordered that all travelers between the USA and Canada, Mexico, or other countries in the Western Hemisphere, where passports weren’t previously required, will have to present current valid passports to enter or leave the […]

Oct 14 2006

US Govt demands ID of all farm animals

The National Animal Identification System is a system by the US Department of Agriculture in which every farm is “registered” with the federal government and that every animal on every farm is tagged by some method, and has its movements tracked for life in a federal database. “These methods could include radio frequency identification tags, […]