Mar 05 2006

Exercise Your Right To Fly Anonymously

The Identity Project needs your help in an ongoing investigation into the right to fly without ID.

The 9th Circuit stated in its Gilmore decision that when traveling by domestic commercial air, citizens had a choice: they could either show ID or submit to additional screening.

Please try doing some or all of your air travel by declining to show ID and report back about what happens to you.

Be a Freedom Flyer: the Constitutional rights you protect and defend are your own.

Feb 28 2006

SSN demand for gun owner is illegal, says federal court

Pennsylvania’s law requiring an SSN before a gun can be purchased or a concealed carry permit can be issued is illegal under the federal Privacy Act, ruled US District Court judge Juan Sánchez. The case was brought in 2004 by US Army Major Michael Stollenwerk, a noted privacy activist. The opinion states:

Pennsylvania’s requirement that an applicant disclose his Social Security number to purchase a handgun or receive a license to carry a handgun is invalid under the federal Privacy Act. On Michael Stollenwerk’s complaint, I will enjoin the enforcement of Pennsylvania’s statute and the State Police from requiring a Social Security number to conduct a background check.

Congratulations, Mike! It’s refreshing to see a federal employee and member of the US military who’s working to uphold civil rights. May we find many more such brave officers.

Feb 13 2006

Alaska Air’s Valentine’s Day Gift to the Surveillance State

Alaska Airlines today sent out the following Valentine’s Day greeting to all their loyal customers:

A little heads-up for all international travelers: To ensure aviation safety and security, Alaska Airlines is required to adhere to the Advance Passenger Information System (APIS), which mandates the collection of specific information from every passenger traveling to the U.S. from other countries. Travelers must supply APIS information at time of check-in or they will be prevented from traveling. Beginning February 21, 2006, will feature updated information pages for international travelers, as well as a page where you can provide your information ahead of time.

So when you fly to Mexico on Alaska, you win a free trip into a Homeland Security database (pretzels not included).