Feb 28 2006

SSN demand for gun owner is illegal, says federal court

Pennsylvania’s law requiring an SSN before a gun can be purchased or a concealed carry permit can be issued is illegal under the federal Privacy Act, ruled US District Court judge Juan Sánchez. The case was brought in 2004 by US Army Major Michael Stollenwerk, a noted privacy activist. The opinion states:

Pennsylvania’s requirement that an applicant disclose his Social Security number to purchase a handgun or receive a license to carry a handgun is invalid under the federal Privacy Act. On Michael Stollenwerk’s complaint, I will enjoin the enforcement of Pennsylvania’s statute and the State Police from requiring a Social Security number to conduct a background check.

Congratulations, Mike! It’s refreshing to see a federal employee and member of the US military who’s working to uphold civil rights. May we find many more such brave officers.

3 thoughts on “SSN demand for gun owner is illegal, says federal court

  1. Greetings. In California they ask for your SSN when you buy a gun but state that it is not necessary to do so. However, they strongly imply that by not giving an SSN you might not be able to get your weapon in a timely manner or at all. According to this article, they should not even be requesting it. This bothers me as I’ve given it every time, being concerned that by not giving my SSN I’d be labeled “uncooperative” and thereby denied my purchase.

  2. Pingback: gun law

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